Performance Practice & Instruction

I specialize in 20th and 21st C. flute techniques as well as performance practice, improvisation, and electronics. I also provide workshops for composers, in which we explore numerous expanded flute techniques and their notations, which I demonstrate. Students learn firsthand how to elegantly incorporate new sonic colors into their compositions for flute.
I love guiding dedicated and curious players to discover their unique creative selves! I offer workshops for flutists and other musicians that combine Deep Listening® practices with other creative methods. I invite participants to explore new musical vocabularies in playful ways. My workshops and lessons are accessible remotely or in person.
What are your dreams? Let’s manifest them!
The Vocalization of the Flute
My manual The Vocalization of the Flute is a self-published step-by-step guide on how to sing while playing the flute. There are short etudes and fun examples of how to incorporate this ancient technique into new compositions. If you’d like a copy or you’re interested in lessons or want me to come to your university or school for workshops, feel free to contact me directly.